The Weapon of Prayer
Brothers and Sisters, you heard us mention at Masses on Easter weekend that a very disturbing event is coming up in the Boston area. “Satancon,” a conference observing the 10th anniversary of the Satanic Temple will take place from April 28th to 30th. Pagan and Satanic worship, of course, is the antithesis of all we stand for as Christians. But the greatest weapon we have against the worship of Satan is prayer and praise of God in Jesus Christ. Cardinal Sean is requesting that all Catholic commit themselves to praying a Rosary on each of the days of this conference, calling upon the intercession of the Mother of God to change the hearts of those involved. If you are not familiar with the prayers of the rosary, you can simply do an Internet search of “How to Pray the Rosary.” I would also commend to your own personal use, during these days and every day, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Would you commit yourself to these prayers during the days of this most unsettling event?
I would point out, also, that this conference is why we have reminded people in recent weeks that if you are receiving Communion in the hand, that you should place the Host in your mouth right in front of the minister from whom you have received it. We should never walk away without consuming the Host. A “Black Mass” is a form of Satanic worship, which includes the desecration of the consecrated Host and we should all do what we can to ensure that the greatest gift Jesus has given us – his very self in the Most Holy Eucharist – is not removed from the church for this purpose.
Thank you.
Fr. Derek